
Kankanala Palle

Kankanala Palle is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kankanala Palle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Thipparthi
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kankanala Palle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Keshrajpalle 577062 460 Hectares 2440 508247
2 A.Duppala Palle 577063 975 Hectares 1671 508247
3 Kankanala Palle 577064 690 Hectares 605 508001
4 Thanderpalle 577065 170 Hectares 1437 508001
5 Khajiramaram 577066 246 Hectares 1174 508001
6 Suraram 577067 1744 Hectares 3421 508211
7 Pajjur 577068 2857 Hectares 4337 508247
8 Gaddikondaram 577069 373 Hectares 716 508247
9 Indloor 577070 1380 Hectares 2231 508247
10 Mamidala 577071 2961 Hectares 5297 508247
11 Sarvaram 577072 1069 Hectares 2023 508247
12 Thipparthi 577073 2658 Hectares 6805 508247
13 Jangamreddi Gudem 577074 1787 Hectares 2565 508247
14 Rajupeta 577075 2514 Hectares 3518 508247
15 Ganganapalem 577076 440 Hectares 688 508247
16 Cheruvu Palle 577077 1350 Hectares 2516 508374
17 Dacharam 577078 809 Hectares 1146 508374
18 Madugula Palle 577079 1313 Hectares 2860 508374
19 Indugula 577080 1687 Hectares 2338 508374

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