Kasanur & Kothapalle is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Kasanur & Kothapalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Simhadripuram |
District | : | YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Chavvaripalle | 593181 | 493 Hectares | 542 | 516464 |
2 | Nandyalampalle | 593182 | 622 Hectares | 605 | 516464 |
3 | Pydipalem | 593183 | 2279 Hectares | 993 | 516464 |
4 | Devathapuram | 593184 | 407 Hectares | 156 | 516464 |
5 | Jangamreddipalle | 593185 | 446 Hectares | 533 | 516464 |
6 | Theliki | 593186 | 1129 Hectares | 356 | 516464 |
7 | Maddulapaya | 593187 | 1950 Hectares | 330 | 516464 |
8 | Ravulakolanu | 593188 | 1505 Hectares | 730 | 516401 |
9 | Sunkesula | 593189 | 972 Hectares | 659 | 516464 |
10 | Duddekunta | 593190 | 971 Hectares | 847 | 516454 |
11 | Kasanur | 593191 | 3165 Hectares | 6197 | 516454 |
12 | Simhadripuram | 593192 | 686 Hectares | 3726 | 516454 |
13 | Gurjala | 593193 | 1570 Hectares | 2657 | 516454 |
14 | Bidinamcherla | 593194 | 2479 Hectares | 2945 | 516454 |
15 | Himakuntla | 593195 | 821 Hectares | 1281 | 516454 |
16 | Nidivelagala | 593196 | 795 Hectares | 402 | 516464 |
17 | Agraharam | 593197 | 422 Hectares | 813 | 516454 |
18 | Ankalammagudur | 593198 | 2155 Hectares | 1822 | 516464 |
19 | Lomada | 593199 | 1383 Hectares | 2106 | 516401 |
20 | Balapanur | 593200 | 3709 Hectares | 5119 | 516464 |
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