

Katrapadu is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Katrapadu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Vatticherukuru
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Katrapadu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kornepadu 590310 1751 Hectares 10134 522017
2 Ananthavarappadu 590311 1030 Hectares 4238 522017
3 Chamallamudi 590312 1023 Hectares 2919 522017
4 Kurnoothala 590313 780 Hectares 1885 522017
5 Garapadu 590314 671 Hectares 3342 522017
6 Katrapadu 590315 510 Hectares 1105 522017
7 Yamarru 590316 650 Hectares 1165 522017
8 Pallapadu 590317 1454 Hectares 4072 522017
9 Karempudipadu 590318 478 Hectares 1209 522212
10 Vatticherukuru 590319 1559 Hectares 3850 522212
11 Lemallepadu 590320 305 Hectares 1996 522212
12 Kovelamudi 590321 621 Hectares 2052 522212
13 Mutluru 590322 1385 Hectares 7806 522212

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