

Katravulapalle is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Katravulapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Jaggampeta
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Katravulapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Narendrapatnam 587238 1244 Hectares 3558 533435
2 Mamidada 587239 1260 Hectares 3105 533435
3 Irripaka 587240 725 Hectares 3232 533435
4 Seethampeta 587241 384 Hectares 167 533435
5 Kandregula 587242 808 Hectares 2280 533435
6 Manyanvaripalem 587243 1172 Hectares 2835 533435
7 Govindapuram 587244 1185 Hectares 1992 533435
8 Mallisala 587245 1540 Hectares 5195 533435
9 Rajapudi 587246 2009 Hectares 9267 533435
10 Balabhadrapuram 587247 383 Hectares 514 533435
11 Gollalagunta 587248 1061 Hectares 801 533435
12 Marripaka 587249 551 Hectares 1981 533435
13 Gurrappalem 587250 287 Hectares 4351 533435
14 Tirupatirajupeta 587251 679 Hectares 35 533435
15 J. Kothuru 587252 295 Hectares 3545 533435
16 Jaggampeta 587253 1886 Hectares 18879 533435
17 Seethanagaram 587254 515 Hectares 1045 533435
18 Katravulapalle 587255 1082 Hectares 11530 533437
19 Ramavaram 587256 1498 Hectares 5328 533435

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