

Katrenikona is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Katrenikona
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Katrenikona
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Katrenikona Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Cheyyeru 587905 1321 Hectares 7915 533222
2 Lakshmiwada 587906 201 Hectares 1157 533222
3 Penuwalla 587907 214 Hectares 1919 533222
4 Bantumilli 587908 108 Hectares 894 533212
5 Uppudi 587909 299 Hectares 1843 533212
6 Katrenikona 587910 2847 Hectares 13678 533212
7 Kundaleswaram 587911 243 Hectares 1756 533212
8 Nadavapalle 587912 429 Hectares 3756 533212
9 Dontikurru 587913 588 Hectares 3918 533212
10 Pallamkurru 587914 2232 Hectares 12423 533212
11 Kandikuppa 587915 1841 Hectares 12585 533212
12 Geddanapalle 587916 439 Hectares 2842 533212
13 Chirrayanam 587917 1258 Hectares 1736 533212
14 Brahmasamedyam 587918 1575 Hectares 8397 533212

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