

Kattangoor is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kattangoor
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kattangoor
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kattangoor Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Thimmapur 576898 204 Hectares 20 508205
2 Parada 576899 1393 Hectares 2567 508205
3 Eduluru 576900 2269 Hectares 5263 508205
4 Pandena Palle 576901 703 Hectares 1063 508205
5 Kurumathy 576902 1152 Hectares 2161 508205
6 Cheruvannaram 576903 1232 Hectares 3691 508205
7 Munukuntla 576904 1505 Hectares 2502 508205
8 Kalmera 576905 637 Hectares 1884 508205
9 Yersaniguda 576906 676 Hectares 1379 508205
10 Pamanagundla 576907 628 Hectares 1496 508205
11 Ismail Palle 576908 581 Hectares 852 508205
12 Pittam Palle 576909 914 Hectares 1850 508002
13 Dugnevally 576910 1168 Hectares 4769 508205
14 Kattangoor 576911 1611 Hectares 7034 508208
15 Aiti Pamula 576912 2400 Hectares 6136 508205
16 Mallaram 576913 532 Hectares 555 508205
17 Bollepalle 576914 992 Hectares 2697 508205
18 Ramachandrapuram 576915 428 Hectares 912 508205

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