

Kattunga is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kattunga
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Atreyapuram
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kattunga Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Peravaram 587556 1034 Hectares 6763 533235
2 Rajavaram 587557 359 Hectares 2803 533235
3 Valicheru 587558 638 Hectares 4627 533235
4 Vaddiparru 587559 563 Hectares 3176 533235
5 Pulidindi 587560 183 Hectares 1297 533235
6 Vasanthawada 587561 346 Hectares 2044 533235
7 Utchili 587562 157 Hectares 2653 533235
8 Atreyapuram 587563 567 Hectares 6022 533235
9 Kattunga 587564 527 Hectares 3860 533235
10 Lolla 587565 607 Hectares 3950 533237
11 Vadapalle 587566 291 Hectares 2481 533237
12 Narkedimilli 587567 497 Hectares 3446 533236
13 Ankampalem 587568 1013 Hectares 5275 533235
14 Ryali 587569 950 Hectares 13123 533236
15 Merlapalem 587570 673 Hectares 4060 533236

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