
Kesanapalle, Takkellapadu

Kesanapalle, Takkellapadu is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kesanapalle, Takkellapadu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Dachepalle
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kesanapalle, Takkellapadu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Pondugula 589849 3373 Hectares 2275 522414
2 Ramapuram 589850 1458 Hectares 4228 522414
3 Bhatrupalem 589851 2905 Hectares 1784 522414
4 Gamalapadu 589852 2135 Hectares 4468 522437
5 Madinapadu 589853 1823 Hectares 4924 522414
6 Tangeda 589854 4083 Hectares 5870 522414
7 Mutyalampadu 589855 575 Hectares 4267 522414
8 Dachepalle 589856 3358 Hectares 19042 522414
9 Nadikudi 589857 1996 Hectares 17238 522414
10 Alugumallipadu 589858 377 Hectares 310 522414
11 Kesanapalle 589859 1734 Hectares 6181 522414
12 Pedagarlapadu 589860 2310 Hectares 4646 522414

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