

Khambhalpalle is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Khambhalpalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Mahabubabad
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Telangana

Nearest Khambhalpalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Vemnoor 578584 1312 Hectares 4043 506101
2 V.S.Lakshmipur 578585 835 Hectares 1898 506104
3 Reddial 578586 1076 Hectares 4239 506101
4 Khambhalpalle 578587 2118 Hectares 4624 506101
5 Nadiwada 578588 1172 Hectares 2339 506101
6 Edulapusapalle 578589 1658 Hectares 3591 506101
7 Gumudur 578590 927 Hectares 9962 506101
8 Mudupugal 578591 605 Hectares 3568 506101
9 Chengapuram 578592 1064 Hectares 3943 506104
10 Ammangal 578593 890 Hectares 3437 506101
11 Shingaram 578594 361 Hectares 1876 506104
12 Laxmipur 578595 1068 Hectares 2763 506101
13 Jangligonda 578596 765 Hectares 2540 506104
14 Parvathagiri 578597 1093 Hectares 2965 506104
15 Mallial 578598 1720 Hectares 5170 506101
16 Madhavpuram 578599 1174 Hectares 3268 506105
17 Bethole 578600 727 Hectares 2657 506105
18 Jamandlapalle 578601 909 Hectares 4672 506101
19 Anantharam 578602 1201 Hectares 3406 506101

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