
Khambham Padu (East)

Khambham Padu (East) is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Khambham Padu (East)
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Mundlamuru
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Khambham Padu (East) Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kommavaram 590778 743 Hectares 762 523265
2 Edara 590779 1890 Hectares 4412 523265
3 Bheemavaram 590780 1433 Hectares 1574 523201
4 Jammalamadaka 590781 1433 Hectares 1347 523201
5 Purimetla 590782 1333 Hectares 2223 523265
6 Marella 590783 2184 Hectares 4510 523201
7 Bhatla Palle 590784 388 Hectares 535 523201
8 Khambham Padu (East) 590785 1141 Hectares 1101 523201
9 Nuzella Palle 590786 1290 Hectares 1986 523201
10 Thammaluru 590787 991 Hectares 1108 523201
11 Umamaheswarapuram 590788 1599 Hectares 3433 523265
12 Vemulabanda 590789 938 Hectares 1957 523265
13 Vemula 590790 1831 Hectares 3370 523265
14 Chintalapudi 590791 1076 Hectares 1052 523265
15 Kellam Palle 590792 1426 Hectares 2815 523265
16 Brundavanam 590793 705 Hectares 1241 523247
17 Pulipadu 590794 892 Hectares 1907 523247
18 Basava Puram 590795 303 Hectares 1112 523265
19 Pedavullagallu 590796 1376 Hectares 3590 523265
20 Chinnavullagallu 590797 1012 Hectares 741 523265
21 Nadimpallivari Khandrika 590798 304 Hectares -
22 Pasupugallu 590799 1447 Hectares 2802 523265
23 Singana Palem 590800 217 Hectares 1861 523252
24 Mundlamuru 590801 1683 Hectares 2493 523265
25 Vempadu 590802 696 Hectares 1633 523265
26 Peddaravipadu 590803 1111 Hectares 2118 523265
27 Polavaram 590804 3339 Hectares 2688 523265
28 Sankarapuram 590805 294 Hectares 2332 523265
29 Avisanavaripalem 590806 301 Hectares 80 523265

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