

Krishnavaram is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Krishnavaram
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kirlampudi
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Krishnavaram Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Somavaram 587257 907 Hectares 4249 533435
2 Krishnavaram 587258 369 Hectares 2423 533435
3 Sungarayunipalem 587259 278 Hectares 3088 533431
4 Geddanapalle 587260 362 Hectares 4711 533431
5 Velanka 587261 532 Hectares 4120 533431
6 Jagapathinagaram 587262 1015 Hectares 7998 533431
7 Chillangi 587263 535 Hectares 3998 533431
8 Bhupalapatnam 587264 291 Hectares 1589 533431
9 S. Thimmapuram 587265 306 Hectares 2058 533431
10 Burugupudi 587266 1009 Hectares 9090 533435
11 Goneda 587267 495 Hectares 4475 533437
12 Thamarada 587268 416 Hectares 5174 533437
13 Veeravaram 587269 694 Hectares 5617 533431
14 Rajupalem 587270 295 Hectares 2155 533431
15 Ramakrishnapuram 587271 225 Hectares 1408 533431
16 Kirlampudi 587272 1071 Hectares 9609 533431
17 Mukkollu 587273 535 Hectares 2617 533431

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