Rajupalem is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Rajupalem |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Kirlampudi |
District | : | East Godavari |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Somavaram | 587257 | 907 Hectares | 4249 | 533435 |
2 | Krishnavaram | 587258 | 369 Hectares | 2423 | 533435 |
3 | Sungarayunipalem | 587259 | 278 Hectares | 3088 | 533431 |
4 | Geddanapalle | 587260 | 362 Hectares | 4711 | 533431 |
5 | Velanka | 587261 | 532 Hectares | 4120 | 533431 |
6 | Jagapathinagaram | 587262 | 1015 Hectares | 7998 | 533431 |
7 | Chillangi | 587263 | 535 Hectares | 3998 | 533431 |
8 | Bhupalapatnam | 587264 | 291 Hectares | 1589 | 533431 |
9 | S. Thimmapuram | 587265 | 306 Hectares | 2058 | 533431 |
10 | Burugupudi | 587266 | 1009 Hectares | 9090 | 533435 |
11 | Goneda | 587267 | 495 Hectares | 4475 | 533437 |
12 | Thamarada | 587268 | 416 Hectares | 5174 | 533437 |
13 | Veeravaram | 587269 | 694 Hectares | 5617 | 533431 |
14 | Rajupalem | 587270 | 295 Hectares | 2155 | 533431 |
15 | Ramakrishnapuram | 587271 | 225 Hectares | 1408 | 533431 |
16 | Kirlampudi | 587272 | 1071 Hectares | 9609 | 533431 |
17 | Mukkollu | 587273 | 535 Hectares | 2617 | 533431 |
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