

Kistapuram is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kistapuram
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Munugode
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kistapuram Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kothularam 577111 797 Hectares 840 508244
2 Kistapuram 577112 1185 Hectares 1792 508244
3 Ipparthy 577113 536 Hectares 1452 508244
4 Palivela 577114 1170 Hectares 2542 508244
5 Vookondi 577115 1027 Hectares 2460 508244
6 Rathi Palle 577116 310 Hectares 843 508244
7 Pulipalpula 577117 1157 Hectares 2745 508244
8 Kalavalapalle 577118 1109 Hectares 2230 508244
9 Gudapur 577119 548 Hectares 1516 508244
10 Jamasthanpalle 577120 271 Hectares 630 508244
11 Singaram 577121 327 Hectares 1320 508244
12 Kaslapuram 577122 206 Hectares 679 508244
13 Cheekati Mamidi 577123 1518 Hectares 2826 508244
14 Kompalle 577124 1369 Hectares 2410 508244
15 Chalmeda 577125 741 Hectares 1217 508244
16 Velmakanne 577126 1756 Hectares 2517 508244
17 Marrigudem 577127 153 Hectares -
18 Kalwakuntla 577128 807 Hectares 1073 508244
19 Cholledu 577129 1214 Hectares 2006 508244
20 Munugode 577130 3275 Hectares 10141 508244
21 Solipuram 577131 405 Hectares 486 508244
22 Koratikal 577132 2370 Hectares 3752 508244

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