

Kodair is belongs to Mahabubnagar district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kodair
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kodair
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Telangana

Nearest Kodair Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Rekulapalle 576146 1005 Hectares 1186 509206
2 Singaipalle 576147 1330 Hectares 3196 509206
3 Machupalle 576148 637 Hectares 2015 509206
4 Turkadinne 576149 563 Hectares 1301 509206
5 Muthireddipalle 576150 648 Hectares 1623 509206
6 Janumpalle 576151 1075 Hectares 2649 509206
7 Teegalapalle 576152 986 Hectares 2002 509206
8 Bawaipalle 576153 379 Hectares 1084 509206
9 Paspula 576154 1469 Hectares 2147 509206
10 Khanapur 576155 693 Hectares 360 509206
11 Kodair 576156 2144 Hectares 6426 509206
12 Nagulapalle 576157 1216 Hectares 2752 509206
13 Rajapuram 576158 890 Hectares 3338 509206
14 Kadirepadu 576159 549 Hectares 1800 509206
15 Mailaram 576160 1964 Hectares 3687 509702
16 Badigadinne 576161 462 Hectares 726 509102
17 Narsaipalle 576162 1552 Hectares 2810 509102
18 Yetham 576163 2273 Hectares 3538 509102
19 Kondraopallle 576164 836 Hectares 2346 509102

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