Kodur, Mysoravaripalle & Reddivaripalle is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Kodur, Mysoravaripalle & Reddivaripalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Kodur |
District | : | YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Anantharajupeta | 593709 | 2644 Hectares | 11961 | 516105 |
2 | Raghavarajupuram | 593710 | 313 Hectares | 3518 | 516105 |
3 | Gangarajupuram | 593711 | 317 Hectares | 948 | 516101 |
4 | Vasudevapuram | 593712 | 191 Hectares | 15 | 516101 |
5 | Vellelavari Khandrika | 593713 | 953 Hectares | 1485 | 516101 |
6 | Obanapalle | 593714 | 821 Hectares | 5883 | 516101 |
7 | Kitchamambapuram Agraharam | 593715 | 54 Hectares | 406 | 516101 |
8 | Chiyyavaram | 593716 | 1889 Hectares | 3947 | 516101 |
9 | K.Buduguntapalle | 593717 | 267 Hectares | 1376 | 516101 |
10 | Kodur (West) | 593718 | 267 Hectares | 9207 | 516101 |
11 | Kodur (East) | 593719 | 4724 Hectares | 39408 | 516101 |
12 | Upparapalle | 593720 | 3289 Hectares | 6005 | 516101 |
13 | Srinivasapuram | 593721 | 748 Hectares | 299 | 516216 |
14 | Settigunta | 593722 | 3528 Hectares | 6356 | 516101 |
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