

Kogantivaripalem is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kogantivaripalem
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Atchampet
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kogantivaripalem Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Madipadu Agraharam 589904 218 Hectares 1533 522409
2 Madipadu Seri 589905 632 Hectares 900 522409
3 Ginjupalle 589906 437 Hectares 949 522409
4 Challagariga 589907 288 Hectares 1490 522403
5 Taduvoy 589908 421 Hectares 1702 522409
6 Chintapalle 589909 1642 Hectares 4547 522409
7 Tallacheruvu 589910 1168 Hectares 6213 522409
8 Chamarru 589911 2720 Hectares 12232 522409
9 Kogantivaripalem 589912 561 Hectares 916 522409
10 Chigurupadu 589913 1135 Hectares 2706 522409
11 Pedapalem 589914 638 Hectares 3916 522410
12 Konduru 589915 1031 Hectares 4028 522410
13 Mittapalem 589916 818 Hectares 1225 522410
14 Velpuru 589917 2542 Hectares 4690 522410
15 Orvakallu 589918 1369 Hectares 4903 522410
16 Ambadipudi 589919 935 Hectares 904 522410
17 Konuru 589920 929 Hectares 3301 522410
18 Kastala Agraharam 589921 1633 Hectares 2292 522410

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