

Kokkirailanka is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kokkirailanka
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Eluru
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Nearest Kokkirailanka Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Chodimella 588419 733 Hectares 2843 534002
2 Eluru (R) (Part) 588420 2972 Hectares 22457 534002
3 Komadavole (Part) 588421 350 Hectares 2052 534002
4 Malkapuram 588422 938 Hectares 3461 534002
5 Chataparru 588423 1479 Hectares 7273 534002
6 Jalipudi 588424 2055 Hectares 3818 534002
7 Katlampudi 588425 196 Hectares 846 534002
8 Madepalle 588426 610 Hectares 5132 534002
9 Ponangi 588427 1847 Hectares 3494 534002
10 Manuru 588428 1702 Hectares 927 534004
11 Sreeparru 588429 415 Hectares 2534 534004
12 Kalakurru 588430 1172 Hectares 1445 534004
13 Komatilanka 588431 652 Hectares 1123 534323
14 Gudivakalanka 588432 1852 Hectares 5308 534323
15 Kokkirailanka 588433 686 Hectares 505 534323
16 Pydichintapadu 588434 1017 Hectares 1874 534323
17 Prathikollanka 588435 1228 Hectares 3479 534323

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