

Kolathur is belongs to Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kolathur
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Peddapanjani
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kolathur Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Battamdoddi 596558 2193 Hectares 5357 517247
2 Karasanapalle 596559 1724 Hectares 4292 517247
3 Peddavelagatur 596560 1026 Hectares 2616 517247
4 Appinapalle 596561 610 Hectares 2353 517247
5 Sankarayalapeta 596562 244 Hectares 1236 517432
6 Sivadi 596563 211 Hectares 1461 517432
7 Nidigunta 596564 420 Hectares 1249 517432
8 Mudarampalle 596565 229 Hectares 708 517432
9 Chamaneru 596566 432 Hectares 1133 517432
10 Bommarajupalle 596567 1192 Hectares 3102 517432
11 Muthukur 596568 2380 Hectares 5088 517247
12 Chalamangalam 596569 1010 Hectares 3254 517408
13 Peddapanjani 596570 2019 Hectares 3915 517408
14 Thurlapalle 596571 1148 Hectares 1403 517414
15 Veerapalle 596572 771 Hectares 1391 517414
16 Suddagundlapalle 596573 473 Hectares 1301 517414
17 Kolathur 596574 906 Hectares 4069 517414
18 Gamkonda 596575 1294 Hectares 1813 517414
19 Rayalapeta 596576 1717 Hectares 4204 517408
20 Nagireddipalle 596577 1097 Hectares 2681 517414
21 Peddakappalle 596578 1570 Hectares 3466 517414
22 Kogileru 596579 1758 Hectares 2331 517408

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