

Kolimeru is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kolimeru
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Tuni
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kolimeru Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 N. Suravaram 586959 1047 Hectares 4607 533401
2 D. Polavaram 586960 1263 Hectares 6709 533401
3 Dondavaka 586961 869 Hectares 2459 533401
4 K.O. Mallavaram 586962 531 Hectares 4394 533401
5 Rapaka 586963 644 Hectares 2031 533401
6 Kothakonda 586964 246 Hectares -
7 Ch. Agraharam 586965 98 Hectares 521 533401
8 Atikivaripalem 586966 715 Hectares 835 533401
9 Kolimeru 586967 473 Hectares 2669 533401
10 Nandivampu 586968 396 Hectares 782 533401
11 Maruvada 586969 238 Hectares 1160 533401
12 Rekhavanipalem 586970 300 Hectares 3614 533401
13 Talluru 586971 452 Hectares 2821 533401
14 Kothuru 586972 2211 Hectares 11957 533401
15 Tetagunta 586973 4033 Hectares 11967 533406
16 S. Annavaram (R) 586974 883 Hectares 13190 533401
17 Chepuru 586975 457 Hectares 1893 533401
18 Hamsavaram 586976 1928 Hectares 6473 533401
19 Chamavaram 586977 518 Hectares 2539 533401
20 Valluru 586978 807 Hectares 3488 533401
21 Kavalapadu 586979 295 Hectares 545 533401

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