

Kollipara is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kollipara
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kollipara
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kollipara Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Vallabhapuram 590273 1858 Hectares 6753 522308
2 Munnangi 590274 1350 Hectares 6399 522304
3 Danthalur 590275 320 Hectares 1123 522304
4 Kunchavaram 590276 144 Hectares 534 522306
5 Athota 590277 711 Hectares 5628 522306
6 Siripuram 590278 405 Hectares 1041 522304
7 Chivalur 590279 518 Hectares 1722 522304
8 Pidaparru 590280 628 Hectares 2148 522304
9 Kollipara 590281 1743 Hectares 12982 522304
10 Chemudupadu 590282 570 Hectares 1376 522301
11 Davuluru 590283 1295 Hectares 7083 522304
12 Thumuluru 590284 582 Hectares 5494 522304
13 Bommuvaripalem 590285 1331 Hectares 804 522301
14 Annavaram 590286 520 Hectares 3575 522301

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