Ananthavaram is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Ananthavaram |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Kollur |
District | : | Guntur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Ananthavaram | 590412 | 1030 Hectares | 2806 | 522301 |
2 | Chilumuru | 590413 | 475 Hectares | 3174 | 522301 |
3 | Ipur | 590414 | 915 Hectares | 4034 | 522301 |
4 | Gajullanka | 590415 | 881 Hectares | 3735 | 522324 |
5 | Pedalanka | 590416 | 760 Hectares | 4246 | 522324 |
6 | Kollur | 590417 | 1856 Hectares | 16079 | 522324 |
7 | Boddulurupadu | 590418 | 110 Hectares | 1034 | 522324 |
8 | Ravikampadu | 590419 | 1490 Hectares | 4462 | 522324 |
9 | Gurivindapalle | 590420 | 128 Hectares | - | |
10 | Chinapulivarru | 590421 | 494 Hectares | 1881 | 522324 |
11 | Donepudi | 590422 | 854 Hectares | 4033 | 522324 |
12 | Potharlanka | 590423 | 1821 Hectares | 9839 | 522324 |
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