Komantharajupuram is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Komantharajupuram |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Penagalur |
District | : | YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Narasingarajupuram | 593598 | 134 Hectares | 1195 | 516127 |
2 | Sirivaram | 593599 | 1274 Hectares | 720 | 516271 |
3 | Thirunampalle | 593600 | 885 Hectares | 1217 | 516127 |
4 | Thimmamambapuram | 593601 | 559 Hectares | - | |
5 | Kondur | 593602 | 2523 Hectares | 1844 | 516127 |
6 | Peddayapalle | 593603 | 4196 Hectares | 476 | 516127 |
7 | Damancherla | 593604 | 635 Hectares | 159 | 516127 |
8 | Yelagacherla Mangamambapuram | 593605 | 471 Hectares | 373 | 516127 |
9 | Velagacherla | 593606 | 2054 Hectares | 1636 | 516127 |
10 | Penagalur Agraharam | 593607 | 857 Hectares | 635 | 516127 |
11 | Konduruchinraya Samudram | 593608 | 57 Hectares | 736 | 516127 |
12 | Penagalur | 593609 | 812 Hectares | 4615 | 516127 |
13 | Siddavaram | 593610 | 228 Hectares | 1278 | 516127 |
14 | Thirumalarajupeta | 593611 | 191 Hectares | 468 | 516127 |
15 | Singareddipalle | 593612 | 430 Hectares | 1030 | 516127 |
16 | Kambalakunta | 593613 | 17 Hectares | 1253 | 516127 |
17 | Indlur | 593614 | 163 Hectares | 2201 | 516127 |
18 | Singanamalachennarayasamudram | 593615 | 254 Hectares | - | |
19 | Girijamambapuram | 593616 | 62 Hectares | - | |
20 | Singanamalavengamambapuram | 593617 | 67 Hectares | - | |
21 | Singanamala | 593618 | 254 Hectares | 1164 | 516127 |
22 | Komantharajupuram | 593619 | 365 Hectares | 970 | 516127 |
23 | Obili | 593620 | 590 Hectares | 2679 | 516128 |
24 | Jattivaripalle | 593621 | 31 Hectares | 122 | 516127 |
25 | Narayana Nellore | 593622 | 622 Hectares | 1693 | 516126 |
26 | Nallapureddipalle | 593623 | 1645 Hectares | 2293 | 516390 |
27 | Pondalurvenkatampalle | 593624 | 1168 Hectares | - | |
28 | Pondalur | 593625 | 2274 Hectares | 7122 | |
29 | Itimarpuram | 593626 | 4600 Hectares | 6481 | 516128 |
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