

Komantharajupuram is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Komantharajupuram
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Penagalur
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Komantharajupuram Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Narasingarajupuram 593598 134 Hectares 1195 516127
2 Sirivaram 593599 1274 Hectares 720 516271
3 Thirunampalle 593600 885 Hectares 1217 516127
4 Thimmamambapuram 593601 559 Hectares -
5 Kondur 593602 2523 Hectares 1844 516127
6 Peddayapalle 593603 4196 Hectares 476 516127
7 Damancherla 593604 635 Hectares 159 516127
8 Yelagacherla Mangamambapuram 593605 471 Hectares 373 516127
9 Velagacherla 593606 2054 Hectares 1636 516127
10 Penagalur Agraharam 593607 857 Hectares 635 516127
11 Konduruchinraya Samudram 593608 57 Hectares 736 516127
12 Penagalur 593609 812 Hectares 4615 516127
13 Siddavaram 593610 228 Hectares 1278 516127
14 Thirumalarajupeta 593611 191 Hectares 468 516127
15 Singareddipalle 593612 430 Hectares 1030 516127
16 Kambalakunta 593613 17 Hectares 1253 516127
17 Indlur 593614 163 Hectares 2201 516127
18 Singanamalachennarayasamudram 593615 254 Hectares -
19 Girijamambapuram 593616 62 Hectares -
20 Singanamalavengamambapuram 593617 67 Hectares -
21 Singanamala 593618 254 Hectares 1164 516127
22 Komantharajupuram 593619 365 Hectares 970 516127
23 Obili 593620 590 Hectares 2679 516128
24 Jattivaripalle 593621 31 Hectares 122 516127
25 Narayana Nellore 593622 622 Hectares 1693 516126
26 Nallapureddipalle 593623 1645 Hectares 2293 516390
27 Pondalurvenkatampalle 593624 1168 Hectares -
28 Pondalur 593625 2274 Hectares 7122
29 Itimarpuram 593626 4600 Hectares 6481 516128

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