
Komaragiripatnam, Thummalapalle

Komaragiripatnam, Thummalapalle is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Komaragiripatnam, Thummalapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Allavaram
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Komaragiripatnam, Thummalapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Bodasakurru 587860 595 Hectares 6036 533215
2 Allavaram 587861 1063 Hectares 9993 533217
3 Gudala 587862 599 Hectares 3144 533218
4 Tadikona 587863 350 Hectares 1662 533217
5 Yentrikona 587864 299 Hectares 2044 533217
6 Devaguptam 587865 1281 Hectares 8298 533217
7 Rellugadda 587866 369 Hectares 985 533217
8 Godilanka 587867 412 Hectares 1750 533217
9 Godi 587868 477 Hectares 4723 533217
10 Thurupulanka 587869 400 Hectares 1707 533217
11 Mogallamuru 587870 384 Hectares 2741 533210
12 Bendamurulanka 587871 1403 Hectares 8576 533210
13 Komaragiripatnam 587872 3767 Hectares 13197 533210
14 Samanthakuru 587873 541 Hectares 3386 533217

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