

Kommaluru is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kommaluru
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Khajipet
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kommaluru Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Bhumayapalle 593085 1807 Hectares 5246 516203
2 Buddayapalem 593086 170 Hectares -
3 Pullur 593087 1356 Hectares 5383 516203
4 Nagasanipalle 593088 3356 Hectares 1555 516203
5 Machupalle 593089 1019 Hectares -
6 Pathur 593090 6116 Hectares 7965 516203
7 Khajipet Sunkesula 593091 1622 Hectares 11658 516203
8 Thudumuladinne 593092 774 Hectares 2040 516203
9 Miduthuru 593093 1120 Hectares 2654 516203
10 Eturu 593094 756 Hectares 1056 516203
11 Thripuravaram 593095 737 Hectares 1260 516203
12 Kommaluru 593096 502 Hectares 688 516203
13 Thavvaripalle 593097 537 Hectares 1349 516203
14 Ravulapalle 593098 351 Hectares 1740 516203
15 Dumpalagattu 593099 803 Hectares 1400 516163
16 Chemullapalle 593100 1471 Hectares 4399 516203
17 Chennamukkapalle 593101 1159 Hectares 1927 516269

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