Kommaluru is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Kommaluru |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Khajipet |
District | : | YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Bhumayapalle | 593085 | 1807 Hectares | 5246 | 516203 |
2 | Buddayapalem | 593086 | 170 Hectares | - | |
3 | Pullur | 593087 | 1356 Hectares | 5383 | 516203 |
4 | Nagasanipalle | 593088 | 3356 Hectares | 1555 | 516203 |
5 | Machupalle | 593089 | 1019 Hectares | - | |
6 | Pathur | 593090 | 6116 Hectares | 7965 | 516203 |
7 | Khajipet Sunkesula | 593091 | 1622 Hectares | 11658 | 516203 |
8 | Thudumuladinne | 593092 | 774 Hectares | 2040 | 516203 |
9 | Miduthuru | 593093 | 1120 Hectares | 2654 | 516203 |
10 | Eturu | 593094 | 756 Hectares | 1056 | 516203 |
11 | Thripuravaram | 593095 | 737 Hectares | 1260 | 516203 |
12 | Kommaluru | 593096 | 502 Hectares | 688 | 516203 |
13 | Thavvaripalle | 593097 | 537 Hectares | 1349 | 516203 |
14 | Ravulapalle | 593098 | 351 Hectares | 1740 | 516203 |
15 | Dumpalagattu | 593099 | 803 Hectares | 1400 | 516163 |
16 | Chemullapalle | 593100 | 1471 Hectares | 4399 | 516203 |
17 | Chennamukkapalle | 593101 | 1159 Hectares | 1927 | 516269 |
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