

Kommanavaripalle is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kommanavaripalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Pullampeta
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kommanavaripalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Sreerangarajupalem 593669 768 Hectares 154 516107
2 Thippayapalle 593670 3051 Hectares 3025 516107
3 Devasamudram 593671 458 Hectares 1628 516107
4 Vathalur 593672 1610 Hectares 3274 516107
5 Immanur 593673 181 Hectares 60 516107
6 Pullampeta 593674 1142 Hectares 6006 516107
7 Puthanavaripalle 593675 193 Hectares 895 516107
8 Anantaiahgaripalle 593676 1391 Hectares 3006 516107
9 Ramasamudram 593677 172 Hectares 1007 516107
10 Utukuruchalivendla 593678 18 Hectares -
11 Utukuru Venkatampalle 593679 106 Hectares 653 516107
12 Dandlopalle 593680 361 Hectares 509 516107
13 Vallurupalle 593681 264 Hectares 678 516107
14 Kothapalle Agraharam 593682 138 Hectares 281 516107
15 Kommanavaripalle 593683 830 Hectares 2712 516107
16 Dalavaipalle 593684 381 Hectares 1228 516107
17 Apparajupeta 593685 59 Hectares 825 516107
18 Garalamadugu 593686 308 Hectares 505 516107
19 A.Channamambapuram 593687 102 Hectares 491 516107
20 Ananthasamudram 593688 2057 Hectares 2675 516107
21 Rangampalle 593689 1011 Hectares 1433 516107
22 Thiruvengalanatharajapuram 593690 99 Hectares 776 516107
23 Perigavaram 593691 471 Hectares 2748 516107
24 Ketharajupalle 593692 200 Hectares 752 516107
25 Reddipalle 593693 1959 Hectares 4113 516107

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