

Kommanuthala is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kommanuthala
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Lingala
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kommanuthala Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Parnapalle 593201 911 Hectares 3756 516396
2 Kommanuthala 593202 3111 Hectares 4187 516396
3 Velidandla 593203 2469 Hectares 2102 516396
4 Bonala 593204 2046 Hectares 2641 516484
5 Kamasamudram 593205 2678 Hectares 2265 516484
6 Dondlavagu 593206 1178 Hectares 1006 516484
7 Peddakudala 593207 1629 Hectares 2320 516396
8 Lingala 593208 1919 Hectares 2509 516396
9 Lopatnuthala 593209 2476 Hectares 966 516396
10 Murarichintala 593210 1765 Hectares 2041 516390
11 Gunakanepalle 593211 1585 Hectares 1273 516396
12 Ramanuthalapalle 593212 911 Hectares 871 516396
13 Ambakapalle 593213 995 Hectares 1445 516390
14 Herojipuram 593214 166 Hectares 49 516396
15 Chinnakudala 593215 870 Hectares 788 516396
16 Narsingaraopalle 593216 70 Hectares 10 516396
17 Vadlavaripalle 593217 83 Hectares 220 516396
18 Ippatla 593218 1150 Hectares 1496 516390

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