Kommanuthala is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Kommanuthala |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Lingala |
District | : | YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Parnapalle | 593201 | 911 Hectares | 3756 | 516396 |
2 | Kommanuthala | 593202 | 3111 Hectares | 4187 | 516396 |
3 | Velidandla | 593203 | 2469 Hectares | 2102 | 516396 |
4 | Bonala | 593204 | 2046 Hectares | 2641 | 516484 |
5 | Kamasamudram | 593205 | 2678 Hectares | 2265 | 516484 |
6 | Dondlavagu | 593206 | 1178 Hectares | 1006 | 516484 |
7 | Peddakudala | 593207 | 1629 Hectares | 2320 | 516396 |
8 | Lingala | 593208 | 1919 Hectares | 2509 | 516396 |
9 | Lopatnuthala | 593209 | 2476 Hectares | 966 | 516396 |
10 | Murarichintala | 593210 | 1765 Hectares | 2041 | 516390 |
11 | Gunakanepalle | 593211 | 1585 Hectares | 1273 | 516396 |
12 | Ramanuthalapalle | 593212 | 911 Hectares | 871 | 516396 |
13 | Ambakapalle | 593213 | 995 Hectares | 1445 | 516390 |
14 | Herojipuram | 593214 | 166 Hectares | 49 | 516396 |
15 | Chinnakudala | 593215 | 870 Hectares | 788 | 516396 |
16 | Narsingaraopalle | 593216 | 70 Hectares | 10 | 516396 |
17 | Vadlavaripalle | 593217 | 83 Hectares | 220 | 516396 |
18 | Ippatla | 593218 | 1150 Hectares | 1496 | 516390 |
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