

Konaichelam is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Konaichelam
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Zaffergadh
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Telangana

Nearest Konaichelam Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Uppugal 578165 603 Hectares 4750 506143
2 Raghunathpalle 578166 542 Hectares 1868 506143
3 Venkatapuram 578167 1510 Hectares 4433 506003
4 Garmillapalle 578168 1280 Hectares 2294 506143
5 Kunoor 578169 1111 Hectares 3356 506143
6 Thamadapalle (I) Ippagudem 578170 588 Hectares 1971 506143
7 Thimmampet 578171 1095 Hectares 2450 506143
8 Konaichelam 578172 705 Hectares 1561 506143
9 Thidugu 578173 616 Hectares 1469 506313
10 Sagaram 578174 557 Hectares 2070 506313
11 Zaffergadh 578175 3355 Hectares 9698 506316
12 Theegaram 578176 860 Hectares 2031 506143
13 Suraram 578177 470 Hectares 1632 506316
14 Shapalle 578178 272 Hectares 637 506252
15 Thammadapalle (G) Guduru 578179 1008 Hectares 2639 506316
16 Obulapur 578180 1401 Hectares 2003 506310
17 Thimmapur 578181 505 Hectares 941 506316
18 Aliyabad 578182 95 Hectares 96 506316

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