

Kondamadugu is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kondamadugu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Bibinagar
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kondamadugu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Rayarao Pet 576777 304 Hectares 1366 508126
2 Jameelapet 576778 321 Hectares 1340 508126
3 Jiya Palle 576779 526 Hectares 1248 508126
4 Mahadevpur 576780 291 Hectares 350 508126
5 Kondamadugu 576781 1861 Hectares 4746 508126
6 Jain Palle 576782 936 Hectares 1421 508126
7 Gudur 576783 1253 Hectares 2751 508126
8 Rangapur 576784 328 Hectares 341 508123
9 Bagdayara 576785 8 Hectares 273 508126
10 Nemarugomula 576786 955 Hectares 1711 508126
11 Padamati Somaram 576787 736 Hectares 1449 508126
12 Venkiryal 576788 857 Hectares 4278 508126
13 Anantharam 576789 391 Hectares 1325 508126
14 Rudra Velly 576790 368 Hectares 1085 508126
15 Raghavapur 576791 942 Hectares 2205 508126
16 Raheem Khan Guda 576792 181 Hectares 764 508126
17 Brahmana Palle 576793 777 Hectares 2319 508126
18 Annampatla 576794 393 Hectares 909 508126
19 Maqdoom Palle 576795 615 Hectares 1775 508285
20 Chinaraval Palle 576796 1233 Hectares 3644 508285
21 Ravi Pahad 576797 382 Hectares 1070 508285
22 Gurrala Dandi 576798 891 Hectares 1837 508126
23 Jam Palle 576799 487 Hectares 1148 508285
24 Madharam 576800 493 Hectares 823 508285

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