
Konetipuram, Allamudi

Konetipuram, Allamudi is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Konetipuram, Allamudi
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Bhattiprolu
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Konetipuram, Allamudi Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Sivangulapalem 590424 496 Hectares 268 522256
2 Addepalli 590425 1516 Hectares 8376 522256
3 Bhattiprolu 590426 2515 Hectares 11092 522256
4 Surepalle 590427 456 Hectares 2633 522256
5 Konetipuram 590428 517 Hectares 2894 522256
6 Pallekona 590429 856 Hectares 4047 522256
7 Gorigapudi 590430 499 Hectares 2229 522257
8 Pedapulivarru 590431 1562 Hectares 5578 522257
9 Vellaturu 590432 641 Hectares 5956 522257
10 Pesarlanka 590433 451 Hectares 2527 522257
11 Pedalanka 590434 405 Hectares 1385 522257
12 Oleru 590435 1378 Hectares 3267 522265

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