Kongalaveedu is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Kongalaveedu |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Badvel |
District | : | YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Tiruvengalapuram | 593053 | 622 Hectares | 1820 | 516502 |
2 | Ethirajupalle | 593054 | 939 Hectares | 1152 | 516227 |
3 | Appajipeta | 593055 | 857 Hectares | - | |
4 | Anantharajupuram | 593056 | 2603 Hectares | 3636 | 516228 |
5 | C.Kothapalle | 593057 | 490 Hectares | - | |
6 | Abbusahebpeta | 593058 | 303 Hectares | 608 | 516227 |
7 | Chintalacheruvu | 593059 | 531 Hectares | 462 | 516227 |
8 | Bayanapalle | 593060 | 171 Hectares | 783 | 516227 |
9 | Mohinuddinpuram | 593061 | 20 Hectares | 260 | 516227 |
10 | Imadapuram @ Pedakesampalle | 593062 | 311 Hectares | 981 | 516502 |
11 | Kondugaripalle | 593063 | 79 Hectares | - | |
12 | Vanampula | 593064 | 1772 Hectares | 1673 | 516502 |
13 | Gopalapuram | 593065 | 544 Hectares | 285 | 516502 |
14 | Veerapalle | 593066 | 5113 Hectares | 2008 | 516502 |
15 | Konasamudram | 593067 | 376 Hectares | 1394 | 516502 |
16 | Kongalaveedu | 593068 | 873 Hectares | 1387 | 516502 |
17 | Thippanapalle | 593069 | 619 Hectares | 1037 | 516501 |
18 | Venkatasettipalle | 593070 | 339 Hectares | 432 | 516501 |
19 | Rajupalem | 593071 | 883 Hectares | 1644 | 516501 |
20 | Godugunur | 593072 | 370 Hectares | 763 | 516227 |
21 | Puttayapalle | 593073 | 527 Hectares | 992 | 516227 |
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