

Kongodu is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kongodu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Karapa
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kongodu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Aratlakatta 587594 1005 Hectares 5547 533016
2 Z. Bhavaram 587595 425 Hectares 1335 533462
3 Nadakuduru 587596 403 Hectares 7117 533016
4 Gurajanapalle 587597 852 Hectares 7009 533016
5 Penuguduru 587598 664 Hectares 4001 533016
6 Koripalle 587599 219 Hectares 1776 533462
7 Karapa 587600 977 Hectares 10086 533462
8 Patharlagadda 587601 186 Hectares 1191 533468
9 Gorripudi 587602 947 Hectares 6449 533468
10 Kongodu 587603 392 Hectares 2101 533468
11 Vemulavada 587604 765 Hectares 5001 533462
12 Vakada 587605 380 Hectares 2336 533462
13 Kurada 587606 435 Hectares 3559 533260
14 China Mamidada 587607 176 Hectares 789 533260
15 Velangi 587608 454 Hectares 7408 533260
16 Siripuram 587609 293 Hectares 1359 533260
17 G. Bhavaram 587610 426 Hectares 921 533260
18 Yandamuru 587611 860 Hectares 4515 533468
19 Peddapurapadu 587612 895 Hectares 3898 533468

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