

Konur is belongs to Adilabad district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Konur
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kasipet
District : Adilabad
State : Telangana

Nearest Konur Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kurreghad 570490 3783 Hectares 33 504231
2 Sonapur 570491 2257 Hectares 707 504231
3 Venkatapur 570492 2902 Hectares 764 504219
4 Tirmalapur 570493 1875 Hectares 106 504231
5 Dharmaraopet 570494 1229 Hectares 2478 504231
6 Malkepalle 570495 845 Hectares 1335
7 Rottepalle 570496 1235 Hectares 312 504231
8 Peddapur 570497 672 Hectares 253
9 Gatrapalle 570498 4190 Hectares 547 504231
10 Chintaguda 570499 1150 Hectares 256 504205
11 Kondapur 570500 207 Hectares 535 504231
12 Konur 570501 480 Hectares 1177 504231
13 Pallamguda 570502 501 Hectares 1188 504231
14 Kankalapur 570503 224 Hectares 317 504231
15 Kometichenu 570504 627 Hectares 1084 504231
16 Gurvapur 570505 970 Hectares 225
17 Muthempalle 570506 1130 Hectares 3679 504231
18 Varipet 570507 1009 Hectares 356 504231
19 Peddampalle (R) 570508 1155 Hectares 698 504231

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