Kopparthi is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Kopparthi |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Chinthakommadinne |
District | : | YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Kopparthi | 593407 | 2929 Hectares | 3250 | 516003 |
2 | Thadigotla | 593408 | 1182 Hectares | 2815 | 516003 |
3 | Pabbapuram | 593409 | 435 Hectares | 1044 | 516003 |
4 | Papasahebpet | 593410 | 285 Hectares | 513 | 516003 |
5 | Cherlopalle | 593411 | 308 Hectares | - | |
6 | Balupalle | 593412 | 200 Hectares | 443 | 516003 |
7 | K.Ramachandrapuram | 593413 | 62 Hectares | 37 | 516003 |
8 | Kammavaripalle | 593414 | 508 Hectares | 1473 | 516432 |
9 | Chinthakommadinne (Part) | 593415 | 6070 Hectares | 8661 | 516003 |
10 | Apparajupalle | 593416 | 388 Hectares | 462 | 516003 |
11 | Boggalapalle (Part) | 593417 | 379 Hectares | 1826 | 516003 |
12 | Buggaletipalle | 593418 | 118 Hectares | 527 | 516003 |
13 | Rudrayagaripalle | 593419 | 200 Hectares | - | |
14 | Kolumulapalle | 593420 | 3032 Hectares | 3013 | 516003 |
15 | Jamal Palle | 593421 | 101 Hectares | 1677 | 516003 |
16 | Chinnakampalle | 593422 | 3628 Hectares | 1445 | 516003 |
17 | Peddakampalle | 593423 | 45 Hectares | 490 | 516003 |
18 | Ippapenta | 593424 | 6192 Hectares | 3708 | 516003 |
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