

Kopparthi is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kopparthi
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Chinthakommadinne
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kopparthi Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kopparthi 593407 2929 Hectares 3250 516003
2 Thadigotla 593408 1182 Hectares 2815 516003
3 Pabbapuram 593409 435 Hectares 1044 516003
4 Papasahebpet 593410 285 Hectares 513 516003
5 Cherlopalle 593411 308 Hectares -
6 Balupalle 593412 200 Hectares 443 516003
7 K.Ramachandrapuram 593413 62 Hectares 37 516003
8 Kammavaripalle 593414 508 Hectares 1473 516432
9 Chinthakommadinne (Part) 593415 6070 Hectares 8661 516003
10 Apparajupalle 593416 388 Hectares 462 516003
11 Boggalapalle (Part) 593417 379 Hectares 1826 516003
12 Buggaletipalle 593418 118 Hectares 527 516003
13 Rudrayagaripalle 593419 200 Hectares -
14 Kolumulapalle 593420 3032 Hectares 3013 516003
15 Jamal Palle 593421 101 Hectares 1677 516003
16 Chinnakampalle 593422 3628 Hectares 1445 516003
17 Peddakampalle 593423 45 Hectares 490 516003
18 Ippapenta 593424 6192 Hectares 3708 516003

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