

Koppolu is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Koppolu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Vallur
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Koppolu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Tappetla 593314 792 Hectares 1844 516293
2 Lebaka 593315 1484 Hectares 3927 516293
3 Peddaputha 593316 254 Hectares 1218 516293
4 Chinnaputha 593317 160 Hectares 463 516293
5 Paidikalva 593318 1821 Hectares 2551 516216
6 Jangampalle 593319 376 Hectares 157 516293
7 Koppolu 593320 1126 Hectares 1711 516293
8 Putha Chinnayapalle 593321 30 Hectares 340 516293
9 Kumarunipalle 593322 104 Hectares 436 516293
10 Vallur 593323 1471 Hectares 5776 516293
11 Kotluru 593324 1928 Hectares 3798 516203
12 Isukapalle 593325 37 Hectares 208 516293
13 Ankayapalle 593326 33 Hectares -
14 Venkatesapuram 593327 27 Hectares 600 516216
15 Gotur 593328 1038 Hectares 1110 516293
16 Obana Somayajulapalle 593329 10 Hectares -
17 Kodandaramapuram 593330 151 Hectares -
18 Ambavaram 593331 1795 Hectares 3581 516293
19 Yadavapuram 593332 409 Hectares -
20 Thollaganganapalle 593333 726 Hectares 1153 516293

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