Koppolu is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Koppolu |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Vallur |
District | : | YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Tappetla | 593314 | 792 Hectares | 1844 | 516293 |
2 | Lebaka | 593315 | 1484 Hectares | 3927 | 516293 |
3 | Peddaputha | 593316 | 254 Hectares | 1218 | 516293 |
4 | Chinnaputha | 593317 | 160 Hectares | 463 | 516293 |
5 | Paidikalva | 593318 | 1821 Hectares | 2551 | 516216 |
6 | Jangampalle | 593319 | 376 Hectares | 157 | 516293 |
7 | Koppolu | 593320 | 1126 Hectares | 1711 | 516293 |
8 | Putha Chinnayapalle | 593321 | 30 Hectares | 340 | 516293 |
9 | Kumarunipalle | 593322 | 104 Hectares | 436 | 516293 |
10 | Vallur | 593323 | 1471 Hectares | 5776 | 516293 |
11 | Kotluru | 593324 | 1928 Hectares | 3798 | 516203 |
12 | Isukapalle | 593325 | 37 Hectares | 208 | 516293 |
13 | Ankayapalle | 593326 | 33 Hectares | - | |
14 | Venkatesapuram | 593327 | 27 Hectares | 600 | 516216 |
15 | Gotur | 593328 | 1038 Hectares | 1110 | 516293 |
16 | Obana Somayajulapalle | 593329 | 10 Hectares | - | |
17 | Kodandaramapuram | 593330 | 151 Hectares | - | |
18 | Ambavaram | 593331 | 1795 Hectares | 3581 | 516293 |
19 | Yadavapuram | 593332 | 409 Hectares | - | |
20 | Thollaganganapalle | 593333 | 726 Hectares | 1153 | 516293 |
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