Korrapolur is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Korrapolur |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Gadivemula |
District | : | Kurnool |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Gani | 594264 | 4112 Hectares | 3448 | 518593 |
2 | Chennakkapalle | 594265 | 1947 Hectares | 2555 | 518593 |
3 | Manchalakatta | 594266 | 301 Hectares | 3357 | 518593 |
4 | Gadivemula | 594267 | 1210 Hectares | 6897 | 518593 |
5 | Korrapolur | 594268 | 1501 Hectares | 1209 | 518593 |
6 | Bilakala Gudur | 594269 | 1640 Hectares | 4906 | 518593 |
7 | Bujanur | 594270 | 1151 Hectares | 2005 | 518593 |
8 | Pesaravayi | 594271 | 1468 Hectares | 3589 | 518593 |
9 | Chindukuru | 594272 | 3696 Hectares | 3336 | 518593 |
10 | Gadigarevula | 594273 | 2993 Hectares | 2044 | 518511 |
11 | Thirupadu | 594274 | 723 Hectares | 1094 | 518511 |
12 | Koratamaddi | 594275 | 980 Hectares | 1861 | 518511 |
13 | Durvesi | 594276 | 718 Hectares | 2628 | 518511 |
14 | Karimaddala | 594277 | 1949 Hectares | 3881 | 518511 |
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