

Korukonda is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Korukonda
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Korukonda
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Korukonda Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Koti 587375 964 Hectares 3081 533290
2 Bodleddupalem 587376 758 Hectares 2934 533290
3 Kotikesavaram 587377 786 Hectares 3340 533290
4 Raghavapuram 587378 779 Hectares 1822 533290
5 Srirangapatnam 587379 417 Hectares 8374 533289
6 Korukonda 587380 650 Hectares 9228 533289
7 Jambupatnam 587381 776 Hectares 5773 533289
8 Narasapuram 587382 1430 Hectares 3995 533289
9 Kanupuru 587383 1428 Hectares 4928 533289
10 Gadarada 587384 1402 Hectares 5446 533289
11 Narasimhapura Agraharam 587385 197 Hectares -
12 Dosakayalapalle 587386 885 Hectares 5293 533292
13 Burugupudi 587387 1722 Hectares 6705 533292
14 Kapavaram 587388 1013 Hectares 3460 533289
15 Munagala 587389 1214 Hectares 2160 533289
16 Butchempeta 587390 702 Hectares 2593 533292
17 Madhurapudi 587391 1241 Hectares 2719 533102
18 Gadala 587392 871 Hectares 4891 533289
19 Nidigatla 587393 1002 Hectares 2811 533102

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