Korukondapalle is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Korukondapalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Kesamudram |
District | : | Warangal (Rural) |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Korukondapalle | 578568 | 671 Hectares | 2379 | 506112 |
2 | Intikanne | 578569 | 974 Hectares | 2951 | 506112 |
3 | Katrapalle | 578570 | 1143 Hectares | 2211 | 506112 |
4 | Arpanapalle | 578571 | 432 Hectares | 1774 | 506112 |
5 | Upparapalle | 578572 | 488 Hectares | 3210 | 506112 |
6 | Kesamudram | 578573 | 1679 Hectares | 12904 | 506112 |
7 | Mahamoodpatnam | 578574 | 1300 Hectares | 5330 | 506112 |
8 | Inugurthy | 578575 | 3801 Hectares | 8915 | 506112 |
9 | Komatipalle | 578576 | 1085 Hectares | 4142 | 506112 |
10 | Kalwala | 578577 | 1439 Hectares | 4337 | 506112 |
11 | Dhadnnasari | 578578 | 1701 Hectares | 3825 | 506112 |
12 | Penugonda | 578579 | 2034 Hectares | 5130 | 506101 |
13 | Beriwada | 578580 | 806 Hectares | 2569 | 506112 |
14 | Rangapuram | 578581 | 398 Hectares | 1398 | 506112 |
15 | Tallapoosapalle | 578582 | 1507 Hectares | 3458 | 506101 |
16 | Annaram | 578583 | 586 Hectares | 1508 | 506101 |
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