

Korumamidi is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Korumamidi
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Nidadavole
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Nearest Korumamidi Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Ammepalle 588293 493 Hectares -
2 Medipalle 588294 202 Hectares -
3 Korumamidi 588295 1132 Hectares 6297 534305
4 Vissampalem 588296 135 Hectares 60 534305
5 Tadimalla 588297 1618 Hectares 9308 534305
6 Unakaramilli 588298 278 Hectares 1521 534305
7 Ravimetla 588299 724 Hectares 3132 534301
8 Sankarapuram 588300 290 Hectares 2256 534301
9 Surapuram 588301 195 Hectares 1265 534305
10 Thimmarajupalem 588302 138 Hectares 2878 534301
11 Nidadavole (R) 588303 2751 Hectares 8617 534302
12 Gopavaram 588304 420 Hectares 2632 534302
13 Vijjeswaram 588305 282 Hectares 2640 534302
14 Purushothapalle 588306 338 Hectares 3534 534302
15 Pandalaparru 588307 436 Hectares 3462 534304
16 D.Muppavaram 588308 155 Hectares 3041 534302
17 Atlapadu 588309 238 Hectares 2131 534402
18 Singavaram 588310 892 Hectares 2200 534301
19 J.Khandrika 588311 67 Hectares -
20 Settipeta 588312 843 Hectares 4360 534301
21 Munipalle 588313 334 Hectares 2466 534329
22 Kalavacherla 588314 337 Hectares 1697 534302
23 Jeediguntalanka 588315 27 Hectares -
24 Jeedigunta 588316 367 Hectares 1652 534304
25 Korupalle 588317 295 Hectares 1915 534329
26 Pendyala 588318 295 Hectares 3372 534329

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