
Kotcherla, Upparapalem

Kotcherla, Upparapalem is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kotcherla, Upparapalem
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Ipur
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kotcherla, Upparapalem Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Bommarajupalle 590118 696 Hectares 1446 522658
2 Inumella 590119 2104 Hectares 4569 522658
3 Muppalla 590120 2124 Hectares 6533 522661
4 Chittapuram 590121 1047 Hectares 2282 522658
5 Ipur 590122 2471 Hectares 5935 522658
6 Vanikunta 590123 667 Hectares 1851 522658
7 Kondayapalem 590124 2391 Hectares 3501 522658
8 Gundepalle 590125 497 Hectares 708 522658
9 Angalur 590126 510 Hectares 2165 522612
10 Agnigundala 590127 1215 Hectares 5138 522647
11 Dasullapalle 590128 295 Hectares 33 522647
12 Kondramutla 590129 2837 Hectares 6215 522647
13 Kotcherla 590130 2125 Hectares 6338 522647

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