
Kotha Palle

Kotha Palle is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kotha Palle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Chandam Pet
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kotha Palle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Gunti Palle 577208 287 Hectares 527 508285
2 Mududondla 577209 805 Hectares 2255 508285
3 Achampet (P) Chandampet 577210 945 Hectares 648 508285
4 Chandampet 577211 1079 Hectares 1630 508258
5 Pole Palle - Gannerlapalle 577212 2159 Hectares 4875 508248
6 Gagillapur 577213 1853 Hectares 2798 508248
7 Timmapuram 577214 1189 Hectares 2022 508258
8 Neradugommu 577215 3887 Hectares 5390 508248
9 Kethepalle 577216 937 Hectares 780 508248
10 Kotha Palle 577217 1847 Hectares 3377 508248
11 Peddamunigal 577218 2061 Hectares 3723 508248
12 Batchapur 577219 1110 Hectares 871 508248
13 Chitriyala 577220 4984 Hectares 4293 508248
14 Murpunuthala 577221 2373 Hectares 2165 508248
15 Theldevarapalle 577222 2053 Hectares 3543 508248
16 Bollaram Patti (Munagala) 577223 465 Hectares 598 508248
17 Rekulagadda 577224 3199 Hectares 1243 508248
18 Dasarla Palle 577225 806 Hectares 263 508248
19 Kacharaj Palle 577226 2491 Hectares 2191 508248
20 Yalmala Manda @ Bichya Thanda 577227 808 Hectares 2087 508248
21 Kambala Palle (Old) 577228 5495 Hectares 4474 508248
22 Rekula Valyam 577229 3199 Hectares 211 508248
23 Pogilla 577230 4003 Hectares 1444 508256

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