
Kothapalem, Nellurupalle

Kothapalem, Nellurupalle is belongs to Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kothapalem, Nellurupalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kota
District : Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kothapalem, Nellurupalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kesavaram 592517 1349 Hectares 2508 524410
2 Maddali 592518 696 Hectares 1445 524410
3 Chittodu 592519 1845 Hectares 4268 524410
4 Rudravaram 592520 928 Hectares 2295 524402
5 Gudali 592521 1370 Hectares 6320 524413
6 Lakshmakka Khandriga @ Chembadipalem 592522 85 Hectares 1382 524413
7 Thinnelapudi 592523 397 Hectares 1408 524413
8 Kota 592524 1524 Hectares 16237 524413
9 Chendodu 592525 357 Hectares 4364 524413
10 Kothapalem 592526 1913 Hectares 2752 524413
11 Nellorepalle 592527 186 Hectares 1584 524413
12 Karlapudi 592528 662 Hectares 1184 524411
13 Siddavaram 592529 789 Hectares 1285 524411
14 Kothapatnam 592530 4299 Hectares 3348 524411
15 Putchalapalle 592531 667 Hectares 806 524415
16 Illukurupadu 592532 139 Hectares 481 524415
17 Uthamanellore 592533 176 Hectares 937 524411
18 Vanjivaka 592534 514 Hectares 2052 524411
19 Allampadu 592535 331 Hectares 570 524411

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