
Kothapalle, Bhyravunipadu

Kothapalle, Bhyravunipadu is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kothapalle, Bhyravunipadu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Macherla
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kothapalle, Bhyravunipadu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Vijayapuri South 589798 4704 Hectares 8393 522426
2 Pullareddigudem 589799 5540 Hectares -
3 Nagulavaram 589800 7889 Hectares 6444 522426
4 Koppunur 589801 1093 Hectares 7428 522426
5 Pasuvemula 589802 3547 Hectares 4763 522426
6 Thallapalle 589803 1853 Hectares 4384 522426
7 Kothapalle 589804 2557 Hectares 5992 522426
8 Macherla (R) 589805 1026 Hectares 389 522426
9 Amani Jammala Madaka 589806 648 Hectares 4664 522426
10 Kambhampadu 589807 3068 Hectares 8681 522426
11 Mutyalampadu 589808 575 Hectares 471 522426
12 Rayavaram 589809 1913 Hectares 4149 522426

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