Kothapeta & Vannedoddi is belongs to Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Kothapeta & Vannedoddi |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Gooty |
District | : | Anantapur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Bethapalle | 594738 | 1361 Hectares | 3712 | 515402 |
2 | Utakallu | 594739 | 1373 Hectares | 1162 | 515611 |
3 | Ubicherla | 594740 | 1711 Hectares | 2199 | 515551 |
4 | Karadikonda | 594741 | 1351 Hectares | 2732 | 515402 |
5 | Dharmapuram | 594742 | 715 Hectares | 721 | |
6 | Basinepalle | 594743 | 883 Hectares | 2448 | 515402 |
7 | Kojjepalle | 594744 | 1016 Hectares | 3622 | 515401 |
8 | Rajapuram | 594745 | 532 Hectares | 1754 | 515401 |
9 | Marnepalle | 594746 | 837 Hectares | 387 | |
10 | Peddoddi | 594747 | 2672 Hectares | 2048 | 515401 |
11 | Brahmanapalle | 594748 | 962 Hectares | 1171 | 515401 |
12 | Eswarapalle | 594749 | 473 Hectares | 480 | |
13 | Mamadur | 594750 | 2085 Hectares | 1347 | 515405 |
14 | Erragudi | 594751 | 519 Hectares | 1130 | 515741 |
15 | Aniganidoddi | 594752 | 574 Hectares | 863 | |
16 | Abbedoddi | 594753 | 466 Hectares | 1550 | |
17 | Turakapalle | 594754 | 536 Hectares | 1371 | |
18 | Gooty (Rural) | 594755 | 2278 Hectares | 180 | 515401 |
19 | Kothapeta | 594756 | 2365 Hectares | 3158 | 515401 |
20 | Engilibanda | 594757 | 690 Hectares | 594 | |
21 | Thondapadu | 594758 | 1098 Hectares | 3034 | 515401 |
22 | Jakkalacheruvu | 594759 | 2049 Hectares | 4566 | 515401 |
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