Kovvurupadu is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Kovvurupadu |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Gopalapuram |
District | : | West Siang |
State | : | Arunachal Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Karagapadu | 588129 | 1403 Hectares | 1921 | 534318 |
2 | Sagipadu | 588130 | 631 Hectares | 1601 | 534318 |
3 | Dondapudi | 588131 | 213 Hectares | 3408 | 534318 |
4 | Gangolu | 588132 | 2697 Hectares | 10163 | 534318 |
5 | Saggonda | 588133 | 395 Hectares | 111 | 534318 |
6 | Bhimolu | 588134 | 2240 Hectares | 3367 | 534341 |
7 | Kovvurupadu | 588135 | 1054 Hectares | 2997 | 534318 |
8 | Guddigudem | 588136 | 743 Hectares | 3324 | 534316 |
9 | Nandigudem | 588137 | 1786 Hectares | 2637 | 534316 |
10 | Karicharlagudem | 588138 | 997 Hectares | 1517 | 534312 |
11 | Jagannadhapuram | 588139 | 725 Hectares | 2356 | 534312 |
12 | Gangavaram | 588140 | 200 Hectares | - | |
13 | Komatigunta | 588141 | 804 Hectares | 1121 | 534316 |
14 | Vadalakunta | 588142 | 921 Hectares | 4149 | 534316 |
15 | Gopalapuram | 588143 | 1773 Hectares | 11573 | 534316 |
16 | Vellachintalagudem | 588144 | 1744 Hectares | 4952 | 534316 |
17 | Chityala | 588145 | 1271 Hectares | 4669 | 534316 |
18 | Venkatayapalem | 588146 | 544 Hectares | 1555 | 534316 |
19 | Cherukumilli | 588147 | 1147 Hectares | 1176 | 534316 |
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