

Kowkonda is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kowkonda
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Parkal
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Telangana

Nearest Kowkonda Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Narlapur 577748 1387 Hectares 3667 506391
2 Varikole 577749 1062 Hectares 3425 506391
3 Venkatapur 577750 743 Hectares 1723 506391
4 Laxmipuram 577751 581 Hectares 1685 506391
5 Nagaram 577752 800 Hectares 3806 506391
6 Paidipalle 577753 881 Hectares 636 506391
7 Mallakpet 577754 566 Hectares 1803 506391
8 Raiparthy 577755 1416 Hectares 5723 506164
9 Puligilla 577756 671 Hectares 2338 506164
10 Cherlapalle 577757 609 Hectares 3317 506391
11 Mustyalpalle 577758 484 Hectares 1149 506391
12 Choutparthi 577759 529 Hectares 1716 506391
13 Nadikuda 577760 881 Hectares 3114 506391
14 Kantathmakur 577761 1311 Hectares 4158 506391
15 Dharmaram 577762 420 Hectares 1015 506330
16 Kowkonda 577763 477 Hectares 1930 506391
17 Sarvapur 577764 225 Hectares 564 506391
18 Pocharam 577765 1114 Hectares 2613 506391
19 Vellampalle 577766 862 Hectares 3261 506164
20 Rajipet 577767 328 Hectares 1227 506391
21 Madharam 577768 837 Hectares 9870 506391
22 Parkal 577769 1379 Hectares 20257 506164
23 Kamareddipalle 577770 348 Hectares 1545 506164

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