

Thogarchedu is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Thogarchedu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Krishnagiri
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Thogarchedu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Agaveli 594204 1998 Hectares 1380 518225
2 Pothugal 594205 3979 Hectares 2910 518225
3 Mannegunta 594206 1473 Hectares 1290 518467
4 Shotrium Yerragudi 594207 1242 Hectares 2060 518467
5 Tallagokulapadu 594208 1204 Hectares 2468 518216
6 Thogarchedu 594209 2442 Hectares 2285 518216
7 Krishnagiri 594210 3265 Hectares 3231 518216
8 Yerukalacheruvu 594211 1809 Hectares 3117 518225
9 Chunchu Yerragudi 594212 2339 Hectares 3191 518225
10 Lakkasagaram 594213 2281 Hectares 3243 518225
11 Alamkonda 594214 3665 Hectares 3187 518222
12 Katarakonda 594215 3633 Hectares 3245 518222
13 Chityala 594216 3098 Hectares 5269 518222
14 Kambalapadu 594217 3463 Hectares 5101 518222
15 Amakathadu 594218 4144 Hectares 5126 518222

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