

Krishnunipalem is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Krishnunipalem
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Gokavaram
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Krishnunipalem Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Krishnunipalem 587223 1488 Hectares 2997 533286
2 Kothapalle 587224 3150 Hectares 14926 533285
3 Gokavaram 587225 1337 Hectares 16389 533286
4 Thantikonda 587226 1145 Hectares 4428 533286
5 Gadelapalem 587227 938 Hectares 3506 533286
6 Atchutapuram 587228 849 Hectares 2330 533289
7 Gummalladuddi 587229 1221 Hectares 5241 533289
8 Rampa Yerrampalem 587230 1360 Hectares 6961 533286
9 Takurupalem 587231 150 Hectares 580 533286
10 Sudikonda 587232 539 Hectares 1143 533285
11 Sivaramapatnam 587233 192 Hectares 213 533285
12 Mallavaram 587234 1282 Hectares 5492 533285
13 Kalijolla 587235 541 Hectares -
14 Bhupatipalem 587236 669 Hectares 377 533285
15 Tirumalayapalem 587237 1773 Hectares 5013 533286

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