
Kristam Setti Palle

Kristam Setti Palle is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kristam Setti Palle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Giddalur
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kristam Setti Palle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Malakondapentagudem 591181 - -
2 Isukagundam Gudem 591182 - -
3 Ambavaram 591183 2104 Hectares 5351 523357
4 Thimma Puram 591184 1319 Hectares 1048 523357
5 Tripura Puram 591185 314 Hectares 868 523357
6 Thamballa Palle 591186 296 Hectares 624 523369
7 Podili Konda Palle 591187 895 Hectares 2494 523357
8 Narava 591188 682 Hectares 2503 523357
9 Narasimhuni Palle 591189 127 Hectares -
10 Kongala Veedu 591190 529 Hectares 1669 523357
11 Modam Palle 591191 272 Hectares 973 523357
12 Chatti Reddy Palle 591192 329 Hectares 1551 523357
13 Kristam Setti Palle 591193 2209 Hectares 8253 523345
14 Kanchi Palle 591194 947 Hectares 2280 523345
15 Bogada 591195 - -
16 Mundla Padu 591196 2880 Hectares 7781 523367
17 Kotha Kota 591197 1285 Hectares 1786 523367
18 Kommunuru 591198 3252 Hectares 2401 523367
19 Sanjeevarao Peta 591199 1706 Hectares 4732 523367
20 Gadikota 591200 2577 Hectares 2397 533367
21 Uyyala Wada 591201 2560 Hectares 4272 523367

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