

Krosuru is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Krosuru
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Krosuru
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Krosuru Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Dodleru 589922 2382 Hectares 11003 522410
2 Ananthavaram 589923 1030 Hectares 3367 522410
3 Vuyyandana 589924 1383 Hectares 1650 522410
4 Hassanbada 589925 747 Hectares 2811 522410
5 Garikapadu 589926 569 Hectares 605 522410
6 Gudipadu 589927 1828 Hectares 5279 522410
7 Thalluru 589928 1085 Hectares 4217 522410
8 Krosuru 589929 2431 Hectares 11549 522410
9 Vipparla 589930 810 Hectares 1420 522410
10 Vutukuru 589931 1150 Hectares 3685 522410
11 Bayyavaram 589932 1171 Hectares 4499 522410
12 Balemarru 589933 359 Hectares 1228 522410
13 Andukuru 589934 783 Hectares 2243 522410
14 Parupalle 589935 219 Hectares 410 522410
15 Peesapadu 589936 732 Hectares 2342 522410

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