

Kudakuda is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kudakuda
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Chivvemla
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kudakuda Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Ailapur 576963 741 Hectares 1893 508213
2 Kudakuda 576964 1017 Hectares 7571 508213
3 Beebiguda 576965 621 Hectares 2735 508213
4 Gayamvari Guda 576966 575 Hectares 1369 508213
5 Vattikhammam Pahad 576967 2549 Hectares 8969 508213
6 Chendupatla 576968 1837 Hectares 3936 508213
7 Thimma Puram 576969 854 Hectares 2334 508213
8 Chivvemla 576970 1683 Hectares 8016 508213
9 Duraj Palle 576971 1025 Hectares 3854 508213
10 Undrugonda 576972 1110 Hectares 1106 508213
11 Tuljarao Pet 576973 162 Hectares 978 508213
12 Vallabhapur 576974 614 Hectares 1113 508213
13 Gumpula 576975 571 Hectares 1083 508213
14 Thirumalagiri 576976 325 Hectares 1482 508213
15 Gunjaluru 576977 1139 Hectares 1396 508213

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